Holistic care for vibrant living

Acucosmos is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals in all phases of life.

We utilize Natural Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the tools, and education for each person to have the best health and life possible.

Our Practice

In our practice, we combine a variety of healing modalities, which allows us to bring the greatest benefits to our patients.  We provide personalized treatment and information that is  combined with your participation through lifestyle choices.

Dr. Noemi R. Ac, TCMD
Dr. Noemi R. Ac, TCMD

Dr. Noemi is a board certified, licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Her practice has a special interest in Digestive imbalances, Pain Management, Mental and emotional health, stress management, Anxiety, Facial Acupuncture, Natural Skin rejuvenation, Insomnia, Women’s Health, Fertility. Her treatments have the focal point in a holistic approach with Body, Mind and Spirit connection.

You have options, Acupuncture can help!

– Relieve stress
– Improve healing
– Eliminate pain
– Boost your immune system
– Release trauma
– Remain Calm, Centred and Relaxed



Acupuncture is a  powerful and comprehensive system of healing, utilizes the placement of fine needles into specific body points to manipulate and direct a positive stimulatory effect.


Traditional Chines Medicine Herbology is a sophisticated system of combining natural substances to influence the ecosystem of the human body to restore, balance and health.


I use heat to transform your health, this therapy takes its name from the herb Mugwort (known as Moxa) 


Designed to help to promote circulation and resolve pain.


Is the practice of aligning your breath, movement, and awareness with the purpose of exercise, healing, and meditation.